Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Global English Assignment 9

Global English Assignment 9
You know, from my point of view, neither side will have to overcome any major disadvantages.
Say hello to everyone for me.
out of your element (prepositional phrase)
in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation
The children felt out of their element at the formal party.
assertive (adjective)
acting in a clear, strong, and direct way
She had an assertive personality and was able to state her feelings easily and clearly.
come on too strong (verb phrase)
to behave or speak in a way that is too forceful
The salesman came on a little too strong in his efforts to sell the copy machine.
tone down (phrasal verb)
[used with an object; separable]
to make something less strong or dramatic
He decided to tone down his behavior after his colleagues complained about him.
project (verb)
[used with or without an object]
to speak so that your voice can be heard at a distance
Without a microphone she was unable to project her voice to the back of the room.
dry run (noun phrase)
a practice before a real event
He had two dry runs before he felt ready to give the presentation.
rapport (noun)
[countable or uncountable]
a friendly relationship between people
She seems to have a natural rapport with the audience.
Excuse me, but I'd like to point something out.
Could I just finish my thought?
As I was trying to say before, ...
To return to what I was saying, ...

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