Sunday, September 30, 2018

A new earth chapter 9


1. frantic
2. stagnation
    Some are lost in frantic doing; others are lost in stagnation
3. cunning
4. condense
5. negation
6. mediocrity
7. cessation
8. karmic

Saturday, September 29, 2018

A new earth chapter 8


1. Sufi
2. despondency
3. ornate
  an ornate box carved in jade.
4. laconic
5. impermanence
6. vantage
7. eon
8. caricature
9. folly
10. sporadically
11. mesmerize
12. behold
13. ananda
14. unobtrusive
15. satori
16. defiant
17. vigilant
18. falsify
19. impediment
20. enthralled
21. substratum
22. prospectus
23. smorgasbord
24. celestial
    celestial body
25. Andromeda Galaxy

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A new earth chapter 7


1. avail
   it would ultimately prove to be of no avail, would not save them from further unphaainess and selfcreated suffering
2. dislodge
3. florist
4. succulent
5. scarcity
6. insatiable
7. dossier
8. tapestry
9. cosmos
   The cosmos is not chaotic.
10. scolding
11. remorsefully
    A year later, the mother remorsefully confessed to her parents that ...
12. shrivel
    her face shriveled like an old apple.
13. circumstantial
14. benign
15. emaciated
    His body was emaciated.
16. neuron
17. grandiose
18. retaliate
    instead of immediately retaliating or defending yourself - do nothing.
19. diametrically
20. parable
21. Andromeda Galaxy
22. reverence
23. fluctuating

A new earth chapter 6


1. transmute
2. emanate
   Every human being emantes an energy field ...
3. subliminal
4. maniac
5. murky
6. twitch
7. obscenity
    shouting obscenities
8. pandemonium
9. sullen
    The child becomes sullen ...
10. tantrum
11. thwarted
   Thwarted wanting can easily trigger the pain-body ...
12. ambivalent
13. relinquish

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Bell internet disadvantages compared to Fido

Bell issues:
1. Need specialist for the installation
    For Fido, just plug in
2. The network is not stable, disconnects sometimes
    Fido has no such issue, it won't disconnect during the game
3. The network signal is not strong enough, weak signal in the basement
    Fido has a better signal, no problem in the basement
4. To cancel, you can only return by purolator, cannot drop off to the store, cannot use Canada Post
    Fido has the option to drop off to the store
5. The internet speed test cannot achieve the aim, it's much better just after the installation and before the cancellation :)

Saturday, September 22, 2018

A new earth chapter 5


1. volition
2. enact/reenact
3. karma
4. furrowed brow
5. phony
6. predicament
    Their contribution is to show us a reflection of the human predicament so that we can see it more clearly.
7. akin
    appear to be akin to human emotions
8. primordial
9. grudge
    bearing a grudge
10. emanate
     deeper emotions that emanate from your natural statue of connectedness with Being.
11. bleakness
12. hangover
      The pleasure of a wild party turns into bleakness and a hangover the next morning.
13. metaphorically
14. pristine
15. pillage
16. adolescence
17. deplete
18. susceptible
      much more susceptible to illness
19. inflict
     to both inflict and suffer pain
20. seethe
     to sense that seething ball of unhappy emotion in them just underneath the surface ...
21. tabloid
22. heresy
23. demonic
      The sacred feminine was declared demonic ...
24. decimate

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A new earth chapter 4


1. blatantly
    Some roles are subtle; others are blatantly obvious...
2. ambivalent
    ... has an ambivalent ego that both wants and fears attention from others.
3. inferiority
    ... the unconscious fear of inferiority.
4. villain
5. elicit
6. perpetrate
    Some egos perpetrate crimes in their search for fame.
7. divest
8. thwart
    ... its thwarted wanting ....
9. caste
10. macho
11. spontaneity
12. conformist
13. hitherto
14. erode
15. unassailable
16. predominant
17. edifice
18. grandiose
   ... Their grandiose and inflated self-image can sometimes fool others, but usually not for long.
19. heretic
20. sabotage
   People unknowing sabotage their own work ...
21. aggrandizement
22. cynical
23. atrocity
24. vortex
25. schizophrenic

Monday, September 17, 2018

A new earth chapter three


1. allegiance
2. ephemeral
3. indignant
4. aggrieved
5. grievance
6. perpetuate
7. bourgeoisie
8. emanate
9. atman
10. endemic
11. pervasive
12. divinity
13. eradicate
14. staggering
15. homeopathy
16. shrill
17. octave
18. theatrical
19. anata
20. thwart
21. sutra
22. impermanence
23. bane
24. grotesque

Sunday, September 16, 2018

A new earth chapter 2


1. unfathomable
2. primordial
    "I" embodies the primordial error, ...
3. monstrous
4. precariously
    They are ultimately no more than thoughts held together precariously by the fact that ...
5. annihilated
6. compulsion
7. endow
8. despise
8.1 callous
9. renunciation
    Renunciation of possessions, however, will not automatically free you of the ego.
10. insatiable
11. bulimia
12. grim
13. rapacious
14. anorexia
15. conglomeration

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Maven project error in the Eclipse

When using Eclipse to import or create a new Maven project, got the below error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:pom:3.1 from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:pom:3.1 from/to central ( PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target pom.xml /dbutil line 1 Maven Configuration Problem

Since it mentions "Failure to transfer ... maven-compiler-plugin:3.1", the first thing is to check
And the jar file is not there.

From command line, run "mvn install -U", and verify the jar is there.
Then from Eclipse, delete the project (keep the contents), and then import it as Maven project. Now the error is gone
May need run from Eclipse, right click the project, Maven->Update Project

Sunday, September 9, 2018

A new earth chapter 1


1. evocation
2. herald
    Prior to this momentous event that heralds an evolutionary transformation in the life of plants ...
3. Mahakasyapa
4. molecular
5. divine
6. perpetuate
    ... as well as the recognition of the collectively conditioned mental processes that perpetuate the unawakened state.
7. imposter
8. maya
    They call it maya, the veil of delusion
9. dukkha
10. taint
11. inflicted
      and widespread violence inflicted for religious and ideological reasons.
12. ideological
13. combustion
14. perish
      millions of men perished to gain a few miles of mud
15. maim
16. disfigure
17. genocide
18. holocaust
19. khmer
      Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia
20. Rouge
21. regime
22. abate
23. pathological
      a pathological propensity to commit murder ...
24. lucid
25. commendable
      Trying to become a good or better human being sounds like a commendable and high-minded thing to do, yet ...
26. mar
27. Gautama Siddhartha
28. ridicule
29. revile
      Some of the teachers were ridiculed, reviled, or killed ...
30. Gnosticism
31. Sufism
32. Hasidism
32. Kabbala
33. Judaism
34. Advaita Vedanta
35. Dzogchen
      Zen and Dzogchen in Buddhism.
36. iconoclastic
      Most of these schools were iconoclastic.
37. esoteric
38. synagogue
39. influx
40. cult
41. ossified
42. impervious
      The most rigid structures, the most impervious to change, will collapse first.
43. insurmountable
44. imperative
45. stark
46. vast
47. derive
48. prophecy
49. synchronistic
50. upheaval

A new earth Preface


1. subjugation
    The subjugation of one race by another ...
2. patriarchy
3. metamorphosis
4. prevalent
5. present
6. succumb
    If you stay present and do not succumb to fear ...
7. demise