Saturday, January 5, 2013

Morgan Stanley Interview preparation

Why using generics?
What is the difference between Dispose and Finalize methods?
What is Dependency property?
What is the difference between Value and Reference type?
1--10 Q Computer fundamentals(OS, DSA or DSF)
2--30 Q Java prog reading and answering
3--10 Q Analytical and reasoning
Height of a binary tree without recursion
why I wanted to join the firm and what my strengths were.
Interview Details – It all started with a phone interview with one of the HR team members. I was asked general behavioural questions, as well as why I wanted to join the firm and what my strengths were. After that, about a week later I had to do an on-line numerical test which qualified me for the assessment centre. It was 5 hours long and included group exercise with a presentation, personal interview, as well as two 1-hour long technical interviews.

As far as people are concerned, everyone was really nice, the interviewers helped me out if I was struggling with the answer and in general theyh wanted to assess how you think and whether you would fit into company's profile, rather than evaluate you dry, uni knowledge base.
Is everything a linux a file? What are processes then?
Describe data structures known to you, their pros/cons and complexity of operations such as add/remove.  
They have a rigorous interview process. After a 45minute long IQ test with a manager.
First they came to my school (Columbia uni) to conduct 1 on 1 interviews for the selected students. It was a 30 minutes interview. He started by asking the usual behavioral questions and tried to know my specific programming background. Then went down to the specifics by asking some tech questions. after that was the on-site interview which was much more tech. Amongst the problems I solved was:

He asked me to implement a function that checked if a number equals its reverse (eg 253 != 352). If it isn't, my function adds the number to itself and checks again. And then he asked me to read a file that has ice-cream flavors on each line, and then return the top 10 appearing flavors
How would you write an algorithm to find the solution to a maze
Implement a dictionary that returned a word search in O(1) time

It started off with phone interviews with mostly individuals from London, even though the role was in Montreal. Each interview was about 45 min but they were setup 1-2 weeks between one another. Almost all the interviews were technical and I would say a good 80% of the questions were repeated. It felt like the interviewers were all disconnected and had no clue what had already been asked. After the 5th interview HR starting negotiating salary with me. The number was shockingly low even by Montreal standard. Two days later I was told that due to a change of policy they needed 3 more interviews which I had to continue with.

My perception was that the hiring process was extremely disorganized. It made me wonder if they managed to hire anyone in the end because nobody who is good at what they do would be around for longer than a month before they would get hired by another company. Another observation was that with most interviewers being in London, Montreal felt like a supporting office with projects driven outside.
Interview Question – Describe push and pull model for messaging and give examples for each.

Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management services.  

Morgan Stanley Canada Ltd. - a member of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Toronto Venture Exchange

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