Saturday, December 16, 2023

The human consciousness is really like a tiny candle

 From Elon Musk:

Fermi was very good at asking profound questions and one of his questions which is called the Fermi Paradox is where are the aliens and one of the explanations is that and I think the one that and I think appears to be most accurate is consciousness is extremely rare ... and the crazist thing is that I've seen no evidence of aliens whatsoever this means that I think most likely at least in this part of galaxy we are the only consciousness that exists. And so you can think

The human consciousness is really like a tiny candle in a very vast darkness and we must do everything we can to ensure that candle does not go out.

If we do not become multiplanet species then eventually at some point something will happen to the planet either it'll be manmade or it'll be something natural like a meteor like whatever killed the dinosaurs for example and so eventually the sun will expand and will destroy all life on earth so if one cares about life on earth at all we should care about becoming multiplanet species and eventually going out there and becoming a multi stellar species and having many star systems we want the exciting parts of science fiction to not be fiction forever and we want make them real. 

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