Wednesday, December 25, 2024

视力 note

 Question: My prescription is OD -6.00 and OS -5.75. ..

The -5.50/-5.25 lenses you mention are perfect “under-corrected” lenses for true distance activities like TV, watching a lecture, etc. But for desk work, you should try going without lenses entirely. If that is too uncomfortable , try lenses that are about 2 diopter less than your current prescription, e.g. -4/-3.75, and sit 20″ away from the screen or book.

For breaks from print pushing, just focus on whatever you can focus on in the room, at the “edge of focus”. You can even do this while walking around by concentrating on the objects that are just at your edge of focus as you walk around. Make it something of a game and have fun with it!

You can buy new lenses 0.5 diopters lower at time. To save money, get them online from You can also by continuously adjustable lenses from Not the most fashionable glasses, but very practical and that will save you some money!


Not suprising, because D1 and D2 are really not that different – barely distinguishable. It’s like the difference between touching your finger to a wall and holding it one millimeter away from that wall. Or between being able to lift a heavy weight at the limit of your ability and not being able to lift it at all.

D1 is perfect focus, D2 is the slightest indication of blur, the onset of blur. Because the eye is dynamic, changing constantly, you will shift between D1 and D2 constantly even sitting at the same distance from your reading material. Therefore, the best practice is to keep “testing” yourself by moving back and forth every few minutes to re-establish that you are at the right distance.

#9 18 May 2015 21:09

I started with +2D. But the key is to chose whichever plus lenses allow you to read at the edge of focus while sitting at your computer. Go through the video and slides again — it’s all there.

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