Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The power of now


imminent: imminent death

relinquish: one learns to relinquish mental/emotinal resistance to the "suchness" of the present moment

intersperse: almost continuous anxiety interspersed with periods of suicidal depression

dread: a feeling of absolute dread

loathing: a ddep loathing of the world

loathsome: The most loathsome thing of all, however, was my own existence

annihilation: a deep long for annihilation

luminosity: That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself.

prisitine: Everything was fresh and prestine

palpable: Sometimes it is very strong, almost palpable, and others can feel it too

eon: have kept humans in bondage to suffering for eons

verbatim: Some of the questions and answers I wrote down almost verbatim

extraneous: overlaid with extraneous matter

obscure: alsmot completely obscured by it

exaltation: There is then a feeling of exaltation and heightened aliveness

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How to skip the OPTIONS preflight request


When trying to post request directly from angular, got the CORS error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '***' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

The browser adds a OPTION call (preflight) as the content-type is application/json

Can add a chrome shortcut like the below to make the request successful:

"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="c:/chrome_dev"

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Play mkv from apple TV


1. Install VLC for mobile from apple TV

2. Enable "Remote Playback"

3. From the computer (for me MAC), access the IP, and drop mkv files

For me, drop files failed, so I started mac http server and add the URL

4. It's pretty fluenct, totally no lag even for 1080P/blueray planet earth

Another way is through the File Sharing (SMB) but it seems that VLC has a bug so it cannot save the configuration, the "Remote Playback" has an advantage you can control the progress bar from the computer side.

Mac http server

sudo npm install http-server -g


$ http-server ./ -p 1313




Monday, November 29, 2021

Learning Angular - Third Edition Section 3 note

 Learning Angular - Third Edition Section 3 note

1. An Angular application must set the base HTML tag in the index.html file to enable pushState routing.


a typical example of AppComponent is the following:





ng generate module heroes --routing

The --routing parameter instructs the Angular CLI to create a routing module along with the heroes feature module.


The order that we import routing modules in does matter. The router selects a route with a first match wins strategy. 

5. set default path

{ path: '', redirectTo: '/heroes', pathMatch: 'full' }

It is worth noting that we added the empty route path after all other routes because, as we have already learned, the order of the routes is important. We want more specific routes before less specific ones.

{ path: 'hero/:id', component: HeroDetailComponent }

The colon character denotes that id is a route parameter. If a route has more than one parameter, we separate them with /. 


<p>{{hero?.name}} works!</p>

The ? character that we have added to the hero property is called a safe navigation operator. It is used to guard our component against null or undefined values of the hero property. If we do not use this operator, the delay that we experience because of the HTTP request will break our template. 


Template-driven forms are easy to set up and add to an Angular application, but they do not scale well.

Reactive forms are more robust when it comes to scaling and testing, and when they are not interacting with the change detection cycle.

import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';


password: new FormControl('', [




8. Angular material

import { MatDialogModule } from '@angular/material/dialog';

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Learning Angular - Third Edition Section 2 note


=== checks not only whether values are equal but also whether types match. For example, 0 == '0' is truthy, whereas 0 === '0' is falsy.

2. Directives


3. Pipes

| uppercase, | lowercase, | slice, | json, 

4. Building custom pipes

ng g pipe sort


  <li *ngFor="let hero of heroes | sort:'name'; index as myIndex">




If we need a template, we create a component; otherwise, make it a directive.

ng g directive copyright

A directive is a TypeScript class marked with the @Directive decorator. The only required property in the decorator is the selector of the directive.


ng g module heroes

The main application module, AppModule, does not need to import CommonModule. Instead, it imports BrowserModule, which is used to run Angular applications in a browser platform that exports CommonModule by itself.

ng g component heroes/heroList --module=heroes

need exports in the child module, and import in the app.module.ts

Lazy loaded modules are not declared in the imports property of a module.


When we run the ng build --configuration=production command, the Angular CLI replaces the environment.ts file with the environment.prod.ts file.

the component should only be concerned with presentation logic.

Delegating complex tasks to services.

ng g service heroes/hero

An Angular service is a TypeScript class marked with the @Injectable decorator. The decorator identifies class as an Angular service that can be injected into an Angular component or another Angular service. 

the constructor injection pattern is the one enforced by Angular. 


A Promise object accepts two parameters; a resolve method to indicate that the promise completed successfully and optionally return a result, and a reject method to indicate that an error occurred during execution and optionally return the cause of the error.

To summarize the limitations of promises, note the following:

They cannot be canceled.

They are immediately executed.

They are one-time operations only; there is no easy way to retry them.

They respond with only one value.


When we define an observable variable, we tend to append the $ sign to the name of the variable. This is a convention that we follow so that we can identify observables in our code efficiently and quickly.

  private setTitle = () => {

    const timestamp = new Date().toString()

    this.title = `Hello Angular 10 (${timestamp})`;


  title$ = new Observable(observer => {

    setInterval(() => {


    }, 1000);





10. RxJS

We have already learned how to create an observable from a DOM event using the fromEvent operator. Two other popular operators that are concerned with observable creation are the of and from operators.

const values = of(1, 2, 3);

values.subscribe(value => console.log(value));

The from operator is an excellent way to start migrating from promises to observables in your Angular application if you have not done so already!


npm install angular-in-memory-web-api --save-dev

Friday, November 26, 2021

Learning Angular - Third Edition Section 1 note

 Learning Angular - Third Edition

1. source code 


2. Prerequisites

Node.js: run "node -v" to check the version

NPM: run "npm -v" to check the version (Include by default in Node.js)

3. Install Angular CLI

npm install -g @angular/cli@10.0.0

run "ng version" or "ng v" to check the version

ng help

ng new my-app

ng serve


Each web application has a main HTML file. For an Angular application, this is the index.html file that exists inside the src folder.

The declarations property is the place where we define all components that exist inside a module, so that they are 

discoverable by the framework.

5. VS code

intall extensions: Angular Essentials, Angular Language Service, Angular Snippets

6. typescript

no more var; use the let keyword wherever possible.

const ages: number[] = [8, 5, 12, 3, 1];

type Animal = 'Cheetah' | 'Lion';

const animal: Animal = 'Cheetah';

enum Brands { Chevrolet, Cadillac, Ford, Buick, Chrysler, Dodge };

const myCar: Brands = Brands.Cadillac;

TypeScript defines that a parameter is optional by adding the ? symbol as a postfix to the parameter name we want to make optional:

function greetMe(name: string, greeting?: string): string {

    if(!greeting) {

        greeting = 'Hello';


    return greeting + ', ' + name;


Be aware that optional parameters should be placed last in a function signature.

Default parameter:

function greetMe(name: string, greeting: string = 'Hello'): string {

    return `${greeting}, ${name}`;


Rest parameter:

function greetPeople(greeting: string, ...names: string[]): string {

    return greeting + ', ' + names.join(' and ') + '!';


fat arrow:

const add = (x, y) => x + y;

Spread parameter:

const newItem = 3;

const oldArray = [1, 2];

const newArray = [...oldArray, newItem];

const oldPerson = { name : 'John' };

const newPerson = { ...oldPerson, age : 20 };

class decorators

property decorators

method decorators

parameter decorators


TypeScript knows to stop execution automatically when it runs into a nullable value.

for (let i = 0; i < hero.powers?.length; i++) {


A module works at a file level, where each file is the module itself, and the module name matches the filename without the .ts extension. Each member marked with the export keyword becomes part of the module's public API.

export class MyService {

    getData() {}


export const PI = 3.14;

import { MyService, PI } from './my-service'; 

Monday, November 22, 2021

windows 10 msc error

Windows 10

This app has been blocked for your protection, mmc.exe

Windows 10 Pro x64 Version 1703 (OS Build 15063.502)

When trying to run "Computer Management", I receive a dialog saying: This app has been blocked for your protection. Under that it says mmc.exe and compmgmt.msc

The below worked for me

1. Open Run and type: secpol.msc

2. Click on Local Policies

3. Look for, and right-click User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode

4. Select properties and then Disable


Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 Bane of my existence/life

Superman Kryptonite -> Achilles' heel

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Clearly/Zenni glasses

Clearly, June 4, 2021, 425/475, Thin Air Lenses with C Shield

Clearly, July 20, 2021, 375/425, Thin Air Lenses

Clearly, Sep 6, 2021, 350/400, Thin Air Lenses

Zenni, June 7, 2021, 400/450, 1.57 Mid-Index

Jan 8, 2017, 475/525, 1.67 AS HMC 400

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

JBoss 7 EAP windows admin console

 1. Run add-user.bat

select a, Management User (mgmt-users.properties under standalone and domain will be updated)

provide the username and password

group: admin

no AS process

2. Run standalone.bat

verify there's no error in the dos window


Input the username/password

Test connection for ExampleDS

4. Double click jboss-cli.bat




5. standalone.bat -c standalone-full-ha.xml

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Learning Angular third edition chapter 2 note

 Chapter 2 Introduction to TypeScript


var brand: string = 'Chevrolet';

var message: string = `Today it's a happy day! I just bought a new ${brand} car`;

no more var; use the let keyword wherever possible.

The const keyword is a way to indicate that a variable should never change.

const brand: string[] = ['Chevrolet', 'Ford', 'General Motors'];

The null and undefined literals require special treatment. In a nutshell, they are typed under the any type, 

which makes it possible to assign these literals to any other variable, regardless of its original type.

2. custom types

type Animal = 'Cheetah' | 'Lion';

const animal: Animal = 'Cheetah';

enum Brands { Chevrolet, Cadillac, Ford, Buick, Chrysler, Dodge };

const myCar: Brands = Brands.Cadillac;

3. fat arrow functions

const double = x => x * 2;

const add = (x, y) => x + y;

const addAndDouble = (x, y) => {

    const sum = x + y;

    return sum * 2;



Class decorators is executed before the class gets instantiated. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Learning Angular third edition chapter 1 note

1. source code


2. Node

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on top of Chrome's v8 JavaScript engine.

node -v

Npm is a software package manager that is included by default in Node.js. 

npm -v

npm install -g @angular/cli@10.0.0

ng version


ng new my-app

ng serve


app.component.ts is the landing page and the main component of the application.

Each web application has a main HTML file. For an Angular application, this is the index.html file

When the Angular CLI finds a tag that is not a known HTML element, such as app-root, it starts searching 

through the components of the application tree. 

Angular organizes components into self-contained blocks of functionality called modules. An Angular application 

has at least one main module called AppModule, as a convention.

Angular components should be registered with a module so that they are discoverable by the framework.

The declarations property is the place where we define all components that exist inside a module.

As soon as the application knows about all of the available components that it can search, it needs to identify 

which element tag belongs to which component. That is, it needs to find a way to match the tag with a component.

Angular matches HTML tags with components via a selector. It is the name that you give to a component so that it 

is correctly identified in HTML:

selector: 'app-root'

<span>{{ title }} app is running!</span>

The {{ }} syntax is one example of the Angular template language, called interpolation. It reads the title property 

of the component class, converts its value to text, and renders it on the screen.

4. main.ts

The starting point of an Angular application is always a module. The main task of the bootstrapping file is to 

define this module. It calls the bootstrapModule method of browser platform and passes AppModule as the entry point 

of the application.

5. Install VS Code extensions:

Angular Essentials

Angular Language Service

Angular Snippets (Type a-component inside the ts file and press Enter)



TSLint is a tool that performs static analysis of TypeScript code and enforces readability, maintainability, 

and error checking by applying a set of rules. These rules are defined in the tslint.json configuration file.

VS Code editor settings, such as indentation or spacing, can be set at a user or project level. EditorConfig can 

override these settings using a configuration file called .editorconfig

Saturday, July 24, 2021

MAC close clid behavior



sudo pmset -b sleep 0; sudo pmset -b disablesleep 1


sudo pmset -b sleep 5; sudo pmset -b disablesleep 0


Tuesday, July 20, 2021



我的眼轴测量 OD/Right: 26.54   OS/Left: 26.75 on June 11, 2021:



右:500 左:550  (2019-2-24)

右:475 左: 525



Placed order on June 7, 2021, Estimated delivery date is June 28, 2021

Acutal delivery date from Canada Post is June 16, 2021


Placed order on June 7, 2021, You have selected Standard Shipping ----- You can expect your order within 14-21 days from today's date.

Actual delivery date from Canada Post is June 16, 2021


Place order on July 20, 2021, Estimated delivery date is: August 10, 2021

Sunday, July 18, 2021

parallel desktop


parallel desktop (PD)还是挺强大的,不光性能很好,启动关机快,能玩LOL等大型游戏。而且今天发现那个微信备份恢复在mac上始终不能使用,提示不在同一网络,即使已经在同一个局域网也重启微信和mac了,mac防火墙看也打开了。搜索解决方案的时候,csdn上一篇文章说禁用virtualbox虚拟机网络之后问题解决。没找到怎么在mac上禁用P D的虚拟机网络,但是在PD的设备->网络里选WI-FI之后,发现微信的备份恢复能正常使用了,而且速度超快。


Sunday, April 11, 2021


 20-20-20 注意看清物体才能放松,如果因无法看清而用力眯眼,则是本末倒置。可以看较大的物体,或者戴着眼睛看(?)


1. 严格控制用眼时间,尽量少看屏幕和纸质书。

2. 户外运动如篮球、徒步、骑自行车。

3. 每天打黄色乒乓球。

4. 每天晚上做眼保健操。

5. 每天早上起来热敷眼睛和太阳穴2-3分钟,然后转动眼睛练习



6. 视觉远近位移

a, 找一处10米以外的绿色植物(绿色植物由于波长较短,成像在视网膜之前,促使眼部调节放松,眼睫状肌松弛,减轻疲劳。)


c,看完20秒植物绿叶以后立即观看自己20-30厘米开外的自己的指纹 (高度近视看掌纹),同样凝视20秒




7. 先搓热双手,然后捂住双眼(闭目),3分钟左右。 









泽泽爱吃榴莲 (作者) 回复远辰02-18
40多岁的都降了100度 。管好嘴。少吃垃圾食品。少看手机,按摩眼部穴位,艾灸下效果更好,每天户外阳光下二小时远望。不吃凉的,保证血液循环通畅。


Thursday, April 8, 2021

你戴错眼镜啦 读书笔记









远视和老花眼用凸透镜。在国外,凸透镜称为阅读镜(Reading Glass)。















痉挛性近视(Spastic myopia)又称假性近视(Pseudo myopia),或调节性近视(Accomodative myopia)。这类近视因为眼睛调节功能过度紧张而形成。





The Myopia myth by Donald 

The Myopia Myth: The Truth About Nearsightedness and How to Prevent It

How to avoid nearsightness (The amazon comment is pretty bad)

9. 戴远视镜,有放大效果,可减轻佩戴者看近的疲劳。要注意只有在长时间看近时才需要戴,平时不用戴。

Wednesday, April 7, 2021



医家秘传:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_643c2b690102vx5r.html 有用吗?



1. 是假性近视吗?

2. 眼药水会有帮助吗?











Reading glasses也就是老花镜,只在看近的物体和阅读时使用.因为是凸透镜,所以物体的成像会落在视网膜前面,和近视眼看远处物体的效果一样. 为了看清落在视网膜前的成像,眼肌就会放松,使眼球尽量变圆.即使已经近视了,眼球不能变圆了,因为眼肌处于放松状态,因此也不会对眼球有拉长的作用,从而减缓和防止近视的加深. 但不会使视力恢复到正常水平.

我的小孩发现近视时125度,我没有注意,以为少看书能控制住.但半年后发现加深了50度,速度相当惊人. 这才紧张起来,看了一些资料.没有佩近视镜,只佩了一副reading glasses. 小孩平时不戴眼镜也能看见老师黑板上的字,只是有些模糊. 放学回家看书看电脑戴reading galsses. 1年半时查视力没有改变,2年时查加深了25度,减缓了近视加深的速度.当然,这只是我们自己的体会,是不是对所有孩子适用,就不得而知了.


低浓度阿托品眼药水本地没有成药,只能去药房配,北边的可以去IDA(9425 Lesile street, unit 150, 905-237-6937), 他们可以送,大约一个月50。













Monday, April 5, 2021

CSR and SSL for Apache

 CSR and SSL for Apache

1. Create the CSR based on the https://www.digicert.com/kb/csr-ssl-installation/apache-openssl.htm 

you'll get the private key file and the csr file like 

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out www_auspix_com.csr -keyout www_auspix_com.key -subj "/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Toronto/O=Peter/OU=Test/CN=www.auspix.com"



2. Order Your SSL/TLS Certificate

You'll get the intermediate (DigiCertCA.crt) and your primary certificate (your_domain_name.crt) file.

3. Configure Apache

<VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /var/www/html2 ServerName www.yourdomain.com SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /path/to/your_domain_name.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/your_private.key SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/DigiCertCA.crt </VirtualHost>

4. Restart and Verify from the browser



  • Root Certificate. A root certificate is a digital certificate that belongs to the issuing Certificate Authority. It comes pre-downloaded in most browsers and is stored in what is called a “trust store.” The root certificates are closely guarded by CAs.
  • Intermediate Certificate. Intermediate certificates branch off root certificates like branches of trees. They act as middle-men between the protected root certificates and the server certificates issued out to the public. There will always be at least one intermediate certificate in a chain, but there can be more than one.
  • Server Certificate. The server certificate is the one issued to the specific domain the user is needing coverage for.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

 Sams Teach yourself Apache 2 in 24 hours note

1. By default Mac BigSur has the apache

run the command to verify: httpd -v 

The installation path: /private/etc/apache2

The log location: /var/log/apache2

Document root: /Library/WebServer/Documents

2. httpd.conf

The ServerRoot directive takes a single argument: a directory path pointing to the directory where the server lives.

None disables per-directory files in that directory and any of its subdirectories. This improves performance and is the default Apache configuration.

1: <Directory />
2: AllowOverride none
3: </Directory>

3. control:

apachectl start/stop/restart/graceful

from the browser, http://localhost:80 will show "It works"

ErrorDocument 404 "Oops, we couldn't find your document!"


ErrorDocument 404 http://search.example.com
Alias /icons/ /usr/local/apache2/icons/

will cause a request for http://www.example.com/icons/image.gif to make Apache look for the /usr/local/apache2/icons/image.gif file.

4. reverse proxy

A reverse proxy is a Web server that sits in front of other Web servers, known as backend servers. The reverse proxy Web server can be configured to pass certain requests to the backend servers and return the result to the clients as if it were the reverse proxy that generated the content

You can use the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives to map URLs in the reverse proxy to URLs in the backend servers.

In certain situations, the backend server might issue redirects. These redirects will include a Location: header that contains a reference to the backend server (backend.example.com). The ProxyPassReverse directive will intercept these headers and rewrite them so that they include a reference to the reverse proxy (rproxy.example.com) instead.

The previous examples could be rewritten as follows:

ProxyPass /dynamic/ http://backend.example.com/
ProxyPassReverse /dynamic/ http://backend.example.com/
Note that the ProxyPassReverse directive operates only at the HTTP header level. It will not inspect or rewrite links inside HTML documents.

It is possible to prevent certain URLs from not being proxied by specifying an exclamation sign (!) as the remote site URL in ProxyPass directives. It is important that those directives are placed before other ProxyPass directives. For example, the following configuration will pass all requests to a backend site, except requests for images, which will be served locally:

ProxyPass /images/ !
ProxyPass / http://backend.example.com

5. SSL

If both sender and receiver share the same key, the process is referred to as symmetric cryptography. If sender and receiver have different, complementary keys, the process is called asymmetric or public key cryptography.

Public key cryptography takes a different approach. Instead of both parties sharing the same key, there is a pair of keys: one public and the other private. The public key can be widely distributed, whereas the owner keeps the private key secret. These two keys are complementary; a message encrypted with one of the keys can be decrypted only by the other key.

Anyone wanting to transmit a secure message to you can encrypt the message using your public key, assured that only the owner of the private key—you—can decrypt it. Even if the attacker has access to the public key, he cannot decrypt the communication. In fact, you want the public key to be as widely available as possible. Public key cryptography can also be used to provide message integrity and authentication. RSA is the most popular public key algorithm.

The SSL protocol uses public key cryptography in an initial handshake phase to securely exchange symmetric keys that can then be used to encrypt the communication.

SSL uses certificates to authenticate parties in a communication. Public key cryptography can be used to digitally sign messages. In fact, just by encrypting a message with your secret key, the receiver can guarantee it came from you. Other digital signature algorithms involve first calculating a digest of the message and then signing the digest.

Trust can be achieved by using digital certificates. Digital certificates are electronic documents that contain a public key and information about its owner (name, address, and so on). To be useful, the certificate must be signed by a trusted third party (certification authority, or CA) who certifies that the information is correct. 

Certificates have a period of validity and can expire or be revoked. Certificates can be chained so that the certification process can be delegated. For example, a trusted entity can certify companies, which in turn can take care of certifying its own employees.

If this whole process is to be effective and trusted, the certificate authority must require appropriate proof of identity from individuals and organizations before it issues a certificate.

The main standard defining certificates is X.509, adapted for Internet usage. An X.509 certificate contains the following information:

  • Issuer: The name of the signer of the certificate

  • Subject: The person holding the key being certified

  • Subject public key: The public key of the subject

  • Control information: Data such as the dates in which the certificate is valid

  • Signature: The signature that covers the previous data


To get a certificate issued by a CA, you must submit what is called a certificate signing request. To create a request, issue the following command:

# ./usr/local/ssl/install/bin/openssl req -new -key www.example.com.key
 -out www.example.com.csr

You can also create a self-signed certificate. That is, you can be both the issuer and the subject of the certificate. Although this is not very useful for a commercial Web site, it will enable you to test your installation of mod_ssl or to have a secure Web server while you wait for the official certificate from the CA.

You need to indicate where to find the server's certificate and the file containing the associated key. You do so by using SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyfile directives.

You can control which ciphers and protocols are used via the SSLCipherSuite and SSLProtocol commands

 The SSLMutex directive enables you to control the internal locking mechanism of the SSL engine. 



