Muscle decreases/shrinks and getting a decreasing metabolic, while you are still eating like you ate when you are young.
2. Interval training is more efficient than steady state training. Get greater gain in aerobic capacity, more strength and spent much less time.
3. Fat is your body's way of storing energy so you don't starve later. If your body gets used to eating several meals a day, it quickly learns there isn't any reason to store fat, because it knows there's no starvation period coming up. This means five or six small meals a day, every three hours or so.
4. Everything from cookies, yogurts, sports bars, fruit juices, cereals, and sodas contain large amounts of table sugar that should be avoided.
As much as possible, get your carbs from whole pieces of fruit and raw or steamed vegetables, because they have the lowest glycemic index and contain valuable nutrients. The next best source is diary and whole grain products.
5. Your real home is not your apartment or your house or your city or even your country, but your body. It is the only thing you, your soul and mind, will always live inside of so long as you walk the earth.
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