--From Solaris 10: The Complete Reference
The following commands can be executed in command mode:
- / Performs a forward search for a text string.
- ? Performs a backward search for a text string.
- : Runs an ex editor command on the current line.
- ! Executes a shell within vi.
- ZZ Saves a file and exits.
- h Moves the cursor left.
- j Moves the cursor down.
- k Moves the cursor up.
- l Moves the cursor right.
- nG Moves the cursor to line n.
- w Moves to next the word.
- b Moves back one word.
- dw Deletes words.
- ndw Deletes n words.
- d^ Deletes all words to the beginning of the line.
- dd Deletes the current line.
- dG Deletes all lines to the end of the file.
- D Deletes all words to the end of the line.
- x Deletes the current character.
- nx Deletes the n characters to the right.
- nY Yanks n lines into the buffer.
- p Pastes to the right of the cursor.
- P Pastes to the left of the cursor.
- :n Moves the cursor to line n.
- :$ Moves the cursor to the end of the file.
- : s/a/b/g Replaces all occurrences of string a with string b on the current line.
- :%s/a/b/g Replaces all occurrences of string a with string b in the entire file.
- :wq Saves the modified file and quits.
- :q! Quits without saving any changes.
- :set Sets a number of different options.
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