how to find the rejected records after aborted.
##edit host setup
. /etc/profile
. ~abinitio/.profile
set_env feeds_out
where is the watcher dataset located? so that last watcher dataset could be saved
dtci-ndadabin01:speng $ m_env -v
ab initio version 2.13.1 patch level 89 built on Solaris8-n32mt
2.sandbox parameter
Edit sandbox->Parameters, the directory should refer to $PROJECT_DIR
dtci-ndadabin01:speng $ echo $PROJECT_DIR
The sandbox marker file: view $PROJECT_DIR/.air-project-parameters. Do not edit the marker files. They are
maintained manually.
air sandbox parameter TESTSTONE VALUEOFSTONE
The sandbox parameter sometimes is always_visible, sometimes is cond_visible, why?
parameter: local implicit "NFI_AVG_OPF_OPEN_AUCTION" string "ORDER_BOOK_OPEN" "" optional always_visible "" dollar_substitu
tion export 0
Part 2
Ab Initio
1. Join Type
If record A is required, set its port to True.
select A.field1 ... from A left outer B where A.field = B.field
For a 'left outer' join:
For a 'right outer' join:
For a 'innerouter' join:
For a 'full outer' join:
2. Use m_eval to quickly test the expressions
Run > Execute Command..._
m_eval "string_filter_out('TesT1345 Value45','0123456789')" or m_env describe AB_REPOR
3. Execute a graph
cd my_sandbox/run
air sandbox run my_sandbox/mp/
4. Encrypt password
In DBC file, passwod can be encrypted. F8
m_password -password student0
Any component can run on any server. The location at which the component runs is called the layout.
When a public project is used by another project, the used project is called a common project.
A private project contains metadata that is hidden from (and not needed by) other projects.
Two environment projects are included everywhere:
localenv local machine environment
stdenv Ab Initio Standard Environment
The standard Environment parameter AI_TEST_FLAG is used to control the location of your personal data area.
you need to set an override value in AI_TEST_FLAG_OVERRIDE before you begin to work.
You can not assume your DML record format definition matches the actual record structure of bad data. "Validate Records" component and is_valid() DML build_in function could be used.
The lowest priority is blank(the default); highest is 1, then 2, and so on.
\0001 is an unprintable character (possible delimiter)
Make key fields fixed if possible and if possible, keep fixed fields at the front of the record would be more efficient
The graph can also be executed using the following:
air sandbox run my_sandbox/mp/
m_eval '[record x (date("YYYYMMDD"))0 s (string(5)) "xyz"]'
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