Wednesday, March 10, 2021

ng-book2-angular-6-r68 reading note



you can type the following commands to run any example:

npm install

npm start

2. Make sure node.js, typescript and Angular CLI are installed

npm -v

tsc -v

ng --version

ng    #to show the command list and get help

3. Run the below to create a new project from scratch

ng new angular-hello-world


use the --port flag when running ng serve like this:

ng serve --port 9001

5. To create a new component using Angular CLI

ng generate component hello-world


the ng serve command live-compiles our .ts to a .js file automatically.

Angular uses a concept called “style-encapsulation” which means that styles

specified for a particular component only apply to that component.

@Input() userId!: string; 

Now, the compiler understands that this variable, although not defined at compile time, shall be defined at run-time, and in time, before it is being used.

    <li *ngFor="let lolname of names">

        <app-user-item [name]="lolname"></app-user-item>


define template between backticks(`...`) or sepearte file. 


7. When we run "ng serve", ng will look at the file angular.json to find the entry point to our app.

angular.json specifies a "main" file, which in this case is main.ts

main.ts is the entry-point for our app and it bootstraps our application

We use the AppModule to bootstrap the app. AppModule is specified in src/app/app.module.ts

8. The methods

return a boolean value of false (tells the browser not to propagate the event upwards)

9. deploy

ng build --prod --base-href /

hosting on now:

install now: npm install -g now


any is the default type if we omit typing for a given variable. Having a variable of type any allows

it to receive any kind of value:

var something: any = 'as string';

something = 1;


When methods don’t declare an explicit returning type and return a value, it’s assumed they can

return anything (any type).

In TypeScript you can have only one constructor per class.

.forEach is a method on Array that accepts a function as an argument and calls that

function for each element in the Array.

var data = ['Alice Green', 'Paul Pfifer', 'Louis Blakenship'];

data.forEach(function(line) { console.log(line); });

Fat arrow => functions are a shorthand notation for writing functions.

data.forEach( (line) => console.log(line) );


@Input('shortName') name: string;

@Input('oldAge') age: number;

<my-component [shortName]="myName" [oldAge]="myAge"></my-component>


To create a custom output event we do three things:

1. Specify outputs in the @Component configuration

2. Attach an EventEmitter to the output property

3. Emit an event from the EventEmitter, at the right time


The line [class.selected]="isSelected(myProduct)" is a fun one: Angular allows us to set

classes conditionally on an element using this syntax. This syntax says “add the CSS class selected

if isSelected(myProduct) returns true.” This is a really handy way for us to mark the currently

selected product.


Here when we say @HostBinding('attr.class')

cssClass = 'item'; we’re saying that we want to attach the CSS class item to the host element. The host is the

element this component is attached to.


<span *ngFor="let name of product.department; let i=index">


<div [style.background-color]="'yellow'">

Uses fixed yellow background


<div [ngStyle]="{color: 'white', 'background-color': 'blue'}">


A FormControl represents a single input field - it is the smallest unit of an Angular form.

FormControls encapsulate the field’s value, and states such as being valid, dirty (changed), or has errors.

<input type="text" [formControl]="name" />


if you import FormsModule, NgForm will get automatically attached to any <form> tags you have in your view.

This is really useful but potentially confusing because it happens behind the scenes.

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