Do you think it important to have good health?”的时候,我会回答“
It’s very important to have good health because only when you keep fit can you work efficiently or live comfortably.
In contrast, without good health, ambitious and promising as you may be, you’ll finally turn out to be a looser of your life.
现在请大家思考一下如何回答“Do you think it important to learn English?”,是不是可以套用刚才我的答案?
你有面对考官的自信吗?比如,你是否会很轻松地反问考官:"What can I call you?"从而给考官的第一印象就是:这个人肯定口语不错,因为其它考生都不敢和我这样说话
Let us complain less and give more
Further and even more importantantly, through,...
As a result of overcrowding, cities throughout the world today are increasingly prone to environmental problems like air, water and noise pollution.
The more time students spend learning how to paint, the less time they spend learning how to read.
There is a widely held perception in many parts of the world today that educational standards are in decline.
From my perspective, one of the most significant obstacles to learning in schools today is lack of discipline.
I am writing with regard to any clubs or societies likely to be open and operating at your university during the coming semester.
I am rather nervous about about attending an unfamiliar university in a foreign country and would, therefore, like to make some contracts before arriving.
There is no magic formula that can give you really good English overnight.
雅思考试必须根据老师指示才可以看卷子,提前看卷被警告,2次成绩取消。听力可以看卷子的时候是:Now turn to section 1,前面的废话的时间是用不上的了。
因为turn to section 1后还有半分钟阅读第一部分的时间,所以,有人建议利用这个时间看section 4,在听到例子开始的时候再回到section 1,因为例子要花2、3十秒,所以时间来得及。
我自己经过多次摸索,发现提前看section 4没用效果,因为根本记不住,到时候还要重新看。
1. 提前看后面的section是可以提前划好定位词,从他说废话开始到example结束,最起码可以划好下面1-2个section的定位词,然后从他说now we should begin,翻过来看section1,在他说“你只能听一遍”的废话时,section1的前半部分可以划好定位词,因为section1更简单。
2. 每个section之后的30秒,只要不是模棱两可需要再趁热打铁最后确认一下的答案,其它的拼写、大小写、缩写什么的可以一概不管,考试后10分钟誊答案时检查足矣。这30秒抓紧时间看后面的section,划定位词。有时间的话练好速写用处很大。
3. 冠词原则上不影响得分,大部分情况可写可不写,但如果不写会导致含义变化,或者造成语法错误时,必须写。所以安全起见都写吧。
4. 在一个空格里提到多个项目都可以独立符合答案,如答案是“A/B/C”型的,要么写一个,要么全写,如果不能保证全部拼写正确,建议只写一个。如果全写,错一个就整个算错。
所有中国人写的雅思口语书统统不要看。想提高口语,踏踏实实学<Side by Side>
It’s ok to say, “Good morning, John. My full name is Wang Jianfeng.” but it’s not really necessary to repeat the word, “full”. However, you definitely must say
your complete name – don’t just say, “My name’s Wang.”
Don’t spell your name. (Only spell it if the examiner can't understand your pronunciation of it.)
Don’t call the examiner, “Sir”, “Miss” or “Madame”. If you didn’t hear his or her name, just say, “Good morning.” without saying his or her name. Using “Sir”, “Miss” or “Madame”
is a sign that you either consider the examiner to be a teacher or that you are being unnecessarily formal or that you consider the examiner to be your ‘superior’– you should
think of the examiner as an equal, not as someone superior to you. If you think of the examiner as an equal, you will speak more openly, be more relaxed and get a better score
than if you think he or she is a superior, or some kind of ‘examining god’. Remember, Westerners are usually less formal than Chinese people.
Some candidates give an answer such as this: “My name is Wang Jianfeng but you can call me Robert.” This answer is quite acceptable and quite natural in a non-test situation,
for example, if you meet a foreigner on the bus. But I suggest you don't say that in the IELTS Speaking test because some examiners might think that you already knew what
the second question is (“What can I call you?”) and that you had rehearsed your answer and examiners don’t like answers that seem to be obviously rehearsed.
--Good morning. My name’s John. Could you tell me your full name, please?”
--Good morning, John. My name is Peng Yanfeng.
--What can I call you?
The Standard Introduction Questions
Good morning/afternoon. My name is _____ . Can you tell me your full name, please? (= Could you tell me your full name, please? = Please tell me your name.)
What shall I call you? (= What can I call you? = What should I call you?)
Can you tell me where you’re from? (= Could you tell me where you’re from? = Where are you from?)
Can I see your identification, please? (= Could I see your identification, please? = May I see your identification, please?)
When you have finished, just tell the examiner something like, "Well, that's all I have to say."
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