Tuesday, May 26, 2015

web service_note

On the client side, as I mentioned, cookies are handled automatically when you use the higher-level network functions. ?
Implement the web service server side from the scratch
Deploy the updated web service server side to the server
Continue the web service GUI client
Test the connect/disconnect
Implement the GetBaseline method
Implement CreatePDF by returning the server PDF
Write the document
Distribute (ant backup)

1. On a technical level, web services can be implemented in various ways. The two types of web
services discussed in this section can be distinguished as “big” web services and “RESTful” web services.
JAX-WS provides the functionality for “big” web services, which use XML messages that follow the Simple Object
Access Protocol (SOAP) standard, an XML language defining a message architecture and message formats. Such systems often contain
a machine-readable description of the operations offered by the service, written in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL),
an XML language for defining interfaces syntactically.
JAX-RS provides the functionality for Representational State Transfer (RESTful) web services. REST is well suited for basic, ad hoc
integration scenarios. RESTful web services, often better integrated with HTTP than SOAP-based services are, do not require XML
messages or WSDL service–API definitions. Because RESTful web services use existing well-known W3C and Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) standards (HTTP, XML, URI, MIME) and have a lightweight infrastructure that allows services to
be built with minimal tooling, developing RESTful web services is inexpensive and thus has a very low barrier for adoption.
A RESTful design may be appropriate when the following conditions are met.
The web services are completely stateless. A good test is to consider whether the interaction can survive a restart of the server.
A caching infrastructure can be leveraged for performance.
The service producer and service consumer have a mutual understanding of the context and content being passed along. Because there
is no formal way to describe the web services interface, both parties must agree out of band on the schemas that describe the data
being exchanged and on ways to process it meaningfully. In the real world, most commercial applications that expose services as
RESTful implementations also distribute so-called value-added toolkits that describe the interfaces to developers in popular programming languages.
Bandwidth is particularly important and needs to be limited. REST is particularly useful for limited-profile devices, such as PDAs
and mobile phones, for which the overhead of headers and additional layers of SOAP elements on the XML payload must be restricted.

Although SOAP messages are complex, the JAX-WS API hides this complexity from the application developer. On the server side, the developer
specifies the web service operations by defining methods in an interface written in the Java programming language. The developer also codes
one or more classes that implement those methods. Client programs are also easy to code. A client creates a proxy (a local object
representing the service) and then simply invokes methods on the proxy. With JAX-WS, the developer does not generate or parse SOAP
messages. It is the JAX-WS runtime system that converts the API calls and responses to and from SOAP messages.

the default style is document.

A service endpoint interface or service endpoint implementation (SEI) is a Java interface or class, respectively, that declares the
methods that a client can invoke on the service. An interface is not required when building a JAX-WS endpoint. The web service
implementation class implicitly defines an SEI.
You may specify an explicit interface by adding the endpointInterface element to the @WebService annotation in the implementation
class. You must then provide an interface that defines the public methods made available in the endpoint implementation class.

Business methods that are exposed to web service clients must have JAXB-compatible parameters and return types.
The implementing class may use the javax.annotation.PostConstruct or the javax.annotation.PreDestroy annotations on its methods for lifecycle
event callbacks.

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