Friday, July 26, 2013

Programming Interviews Exposed note

If someone is sufficiently impressed by your résumé to want to talk to you, the next step is one or more screening interviews,
usually followed by an on-site interview.
Your performance in on-site interviews is the biggest factor in determining whether you get an offer.
If you make a negative impression at lunch, you may lose your offer. Be polite, and avoid alcohol and messy foods like ribs.
a suit is de rigueur when interviewing at a bank or brokerage, unless of course you’re interviewing on the West Coast.
A standard technical interviewing outfit for men consists of nondenim cotton pants, a collared shirt, and loafers (no sneakers or sandals).
their job is to get you to sign with their company as quickly as possible for as little money as possible.
This shouldn’t be a snap decision - never accept an offer on the spot. Always spend at least a day thinking about important decisions like this;
it’s surprising how much can change in a day.
Don’t let this bullying rush your decision.
In the worst case, the company refuses to change the offer and you’re no worse off than before you tried to negotiate.
Pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered.
I’m very pleased to have received the offer, but I’m having a hard time accepting it because it’s not competitive with my other offers.
I keep all my offers confidential, including yours, and feel that it’s unprofessional to give out that sort of information.
I want to thank you again for extending me the offer. I was very impressed with your company, but I’ve decided it’s not the best choice for me right now.
Thank you again, and I appreciate your confidence in me.
Describe the better way to solve the problem, but solve the question as it was asked. For example, if you are asked to solve a certain problem with a hash table,
you might say, “This would be easy with a binary search tree because it’s much easier to extract the largest element, but let’s see how I can solve this with
a hash table …”
Even when you immediately know the answer to a problem, because it’s something you’ve already done before, don’t just blurt it out. Break the answer down into
discrete steps and explain the thought processes behind each step.
Make sure you check your code for all error and special cases, especially boundary conditions.

I guess you’re off the hook!”

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