JavaScript - The Definitive Guide 7th Edition
1. ES6 was released in 2015 and added major new features - including class and module syntax. Since ES6, the EMCAScript has moved to a yearly release ES2016, ES2017 ...
2. Install Node and run node snippet.js
Console.log("Hello World");
or hello.html <script src="hello.js"></script>
3. let book = {
topic: "JavaScript",
edition: 7
book["edition"] //another way to access property values"Flanagan";//create new properties
book.contents?.ch01?.set //conditionally access (ES2020)
4. In ES6 and laster, arrow function
const plus1 = x=>x+1;
5. Semicolons are optional
6. In ES6 and later, string literals can be delimited with backticks:
let name = "Bill";
let greeting = `Hello ${name}`;
7. In ES6 and later use let and const
8. a??b->(A!==null&&a!==undefined)?a:b
9. let a = [1,2,3]
let b = [0,...a,4];
10. let data = [1,2,3,4,5], sum = 0;
data.forEach(function(v,i,a){a[i]=v+1;}); //data=[2,3,4,5,6]
11. let a = [1,2,3];>x*x) //[1,4,9]
12. let a = [1,2,3,4,5];
a.reduce( (x,y)=>x+y,0) //15, sum
a.reduce( (x,y)=>X*y,1) //120, product
the second argument is optional, init value to the funciton
[1,[2,3]].flat() // [1,2,3]
[1,[2,[3]].flat() //[1,2,[3]]
14. a.flatMap(f)=>
let phrases = ["Hello world","The Guide"];
let words = phrases.flatMap( phrases=>phrases.split(" ")); //["Hello","world","The","Guide"]
15. let a = [1,2,3];
a.join(" ") //"1 2 3"
To invoke a function f as a method of the object o. apply() is like call, except that the arguments to be passed to the function are specified as an array: f.apply(0,[1,2]);
17. In Node, each file is an independent module with a private namespace.
Node modules import other modules with the require() function.
const fs = require("fs");
18. ES6 Exports
export const PI = Math.PI;
export function degreesToRadias(d){return d*PI/180;}
ES6 Imports
import BitSet from './bitset.js';
19. Promise (from ES6)
if getJSON runs normally, it pases its result to displayUserProfile
if there is an error, then it passes an Error object to handleProfileError
any error in getJSON or in displayUserProfile, get passed to handleProfileError
let [value1,value2]=await Promise.all(getJSON(url1),getJSON(url2)];
If you don't want your node program to completely crash.
process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback( error=>{
appLogger.error("Uncaught Exception: ",error);
appLogger.error("unhandledRejection: ",reason);