flatMap is deprecated and replaced by mergeMap
Thursday, December 22, 2022
RxJS mergeMap
RxJS switchmap example
RxJS switchmap example, easy to understand
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
rxjs note - Angular - The Complete Guide
In order to follow along smoothly with the course examples, make sure you install RxJS v6 by running
- npm install --save rxjs@6
In addition, also install the rxjs-compat package:
- npm install --save rxjs-compat
2.- To get discount on Max's courses, go to https://academind.com/courses
- 3.
- https://www.learnrxjs.io/
- 4.
- Use Subject instead of EventEmitter, emit->subject.next
- 5.
Type script:
Monday, December 12, 2022
1. bootstrap grid
for the grid to work properly, you should always place columns in rows, and rows in containers.
Bootstrap grid allows you to add up to 12 columns in one line. If you add more than 12, the excess column will jump to the next line.
Breakpoints are the triggers in Bootstrap for how your layout responsive changes across device or viewport sizes.
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">First column</div>
<div class="col-md-8">Second column</div>
All we have to do is add a breakpoint -md
(meaning "medium screen size") to the col
class, so that the Bootstrap grid knows that we want 4/8 columns ratio only on screens bigger than medium size, and on other screens (medium and small size) the columns should be stretched to full width.
To sum up - by using class col-md-4
, we tell grid the following command:
- On screens smaller than 768px, I want this column to stretch to full width
- On screens larger than 768px, I want this column to be 4 units wide
Angular - The Complete Guide Section 5 note
@Input('srvElement') element : {type: string, name: string, content: string};
<app-server-element *ngFor="let serverElement of serverElements"
opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error' ],
library: 'digital envelope routines',
reason: 'unsupported',
when run "ng serve"
The fix is:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Angular - The complete Guide Section 1 and 2 note
package.json: the project dependencies
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Sunday, November 13, 2022
mac os ventura
Updated to mac os ventura today, for the photos app (remove duplicate), and iphone can be used as mac webcam.
Before the upgrade, checked the parallel desktip website that PD17 also supports Ventura.
After the upgrade, found some issues:
0. The OS startup becomes slower so the user has chance to close the auto lock script. I need to auto login and then lock the OS to run some backgroud tasks.
1. Cannot set the scheduled start time/shutdown time from energy center. Although it seems it can set through command line and my previous setting is still available.
2. To enter recovery mode, Command+R doesn't work any more. Can trigger it by keep pressing the power button (for mac mini m1). The option is better but it's even better to keep the previous way.
3. Time machine cannot restore to the previous OS any more. It's a big downgrade.
4. After upgrade to Ventura, I verified PD17.1.4 worked well and then upgraded PD to PD17.1.5. The auto login cannot work as expected after the upgrade. Luckily I have the PD17.1.4 time machine backup. After revert to PD17.1.4, the auto login works well.
5. Also, my Ventura cannot show the bluetooth battery level, from the control center or the bluebooth settings.
As a pro developer, the lession is that the users should not upgrade unless they have no option. The product is added a lot of functions because a lot of reason, the root cause maybe not for the user, but for the product manager, the developer and the company.
Friday, October 28, 2022
A bad design example - change apple id country/region
I tried to change my apple id country/region, but got a prompt to say I need to cancel my apple music subsciption.
The apple music subscription (free) is already cancelled, but it only expires next month.
From the google search, can only request apple support to do it.
The normal cancellation does not take effect until the auto-renewal is due. To request an immediate cancellation, contact iTunes Customer Service:
Contact - Official Apple Support
I contacted the apple support and got it done immediately. The support actually has no idea she can cancel it immediately unless I shared the related information.
It's a bad design example, gives the user bad experience and waste a lot of apple resource. It should have an option to warn the user and let the user proceed. Or the better way is no need to cancel the subscription, when the user change the country/region back, the subscription can come back.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
The complete book on angular 11 - Chapter 5 Built-in Directives
The complete book on angular 11 - Chapter 5 Built-in Directives
A FormControl represents a single input field - it is the smallest unit of an Angular
FormControls encapsulate the field’s value, and states such as being valid, dirty
(changed), or has errors.
the FormsModule gives us template driven directives such as:
• ngModel and
• NgForm
Whereas ReactiveFormsModule gives us reactive driven directives like
formControl and
• ngFormGroup
<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(f.value)">
The #v="thing" syntax says that we want to create a
local variable for this view.
<div class="field"
[class.error]="!sku.valid && sku.touched">
<label for="skuInput">SKU</label>
<input type="text"
<div *ngIf="!sku.valid"
class="ui error message">SKU is invalid</div>
<div *ngIf="sku.hasError('required')"
class="ui error message">SKU is required</div>
Thursday, September 15, 2022
The complete book on angular 11 - Chapter 4 Built-in Directives
The complete book on angular 11 - Chapter 4 Built-in Directives
1. ngSwitch
<div class="container" [ngSwitch]="myVar">
<div *ngSwitchCase="'A'">Var is A</div>
<div *ngSwitchCase="'B'">Var is B</div>
<div *ngSwitchDefault>Var is something else</div>
2. NgStyle
<div [style.background-color]="'yellow'">
Uses fixed yellow background
<div [ngStyle]="{color: 'white', 'background-color': 'blue'}">
Uses fixed white text on blue background
3. ngClass
<div [ngClass]="{bordered: false}">This is never bordered</div>
4. ngNonBindable
<div class='ngNonBindableDemo'>
<span class="bordered">{{ content }}</span>
<span class="pre" ngNonBindable>
← This is what {{ content }} rendered
TODO Forms in Angular
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The complete book on angular 11 - Chapter 3 How Angular Works
Chapter 3 How Angular Works
We’ve provided the entire, completed application in the code download folder under
The @Component is called a decorator.
The Component controller is defined by a class.
<h1>{{ product.name }}</h1> //Using the {{…}} syntax is called template binding.
What’s neat about template binding is that the code inside the brackets is an
expression. That means you can do things like this:
• {{ count + 1 }}
• {{ myFunction(myArguments) }}
When we use products-list we’re using a key feature of Angular components:
inputs and outputs:
[productList]="products" <!-- input -->
(onProductSelected)="productWasSelected($event)"> <!-- output -->
The [squareBrackets] pass inputs and the (parentheses) handle outputs.
Data flows in to your component via input bindings and events flow out of your
component through output bindings.
(onProductSelected)="productWasSelected($event)": We’re saying that we want to listen to the onProductSelected output from the
ProductsList component.
import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { Product } from '../product.model';
* @ProductsList: A component for rendering all ProductRows and
* storing the currently selected Product
selector: 'products-list',
templateUrl: './products-list.component.html'
export class ProductsListComponent {
* @input productList - the Product[] passed to us
@Input() productList: Product[];
* @output onProductSelected - outputs the current
* Product whenever a new Product is selected
@Output() onProductSelected: EventEmitter<Product>;
we can listen to an event by using the (output)="action" syntax.
<my-component [shortName]="myName" [oldAge]="myAge"></my-component>
@Input("shortName") name: string;
@Input("oldAge") age: number;
To create a custom output event we do three things
1. Specify outputs in the @Component configuration
2. Attach an EventEmitter to the output property
3. Emit an event from the EventEmitter, at the right time
An EventEmitter is an object that helps you implement the Observer
Pattern. That is, it’s an object that will:
1. maintain a list of subscribers and
2. publish events to them.
Here’s a short and sweet example of how you can use EventEmitter
let ee = new EventEmitter();
ee.subscribe((name: string) => console.log(Hello ${name}));
// -> “Hello Nate”
The line [class.selected]="isSelected(myProduct)" is a fun one: Angular allows
us to set classes conditionally on an element using this syntax. This syntax says
“add the CSS class selected if isSelected(myProduct) returns true.”
@HostBinding('attr.class') cssClass = 'item';
we’re saying that we want to attach the CSS class item to the host element.
TODO Built-in Directives
The complete book on angular 11 - Chapter 2 TypeScript
Chapter 2 TypeScript
npm install -g typescript
npm install -g tsun (TypeScript Upgraded Node)
> var fullName: string = 'Nate Murray'
> console.log(fullName)
var jobs: Array<string> = ['IBM', 'Microsoft', 'Google']; equals with the below
var jobs: string[] = ['Apple', 'Dell', 'HP'];
enum Role {Employee, Manager, Admin};
var role: Role = Role.Employee;
console.log('Roles: ', Role[0], ',', Role[1], 'and', Role[2]);
any is the default type if we omit typing for a given variable. Having a variable of
type any allows it to receive any kind of value.
var something: any = 'as string';
something = 1;
something = [1, 2, 3];
//ES5-like example
var data = ['Alice Green', 'Paul Pfifer', 'Louis Blakenship'];
data.forEach(function(line) { console.log(line); });
However with the fat arrow => syntax we can instead rewrite it like so:
// Typescript example
var data: string[] = ['Alice Green', 'Paul Pfifer', 'Louis Blakenship'];
data.forEach( (line) => console.log(line) );
Parentheses are optional when there’s only one parameter.
data.forEach( line => console.log(line) );
var firstName = "Nate";
var lastName = "Murray";
// interpolate a string (enclose your string in backticks)
var greeting = `Hello ${firstName} ${lastName}`;
TODO: page 121
Sunday, September 11, 2022
The complete book on angular 11 - Chapter 1 Writing Your First Angular Web Application
Chapter 1: Writing Your First Angular Web Application
1. To get help, go to community chat room:
https://github.com/srdeleon/angular-reddit ?
To get started with Angular, you’ll need to have Node.js installed.
The Node Package Manager (npm for short) is installed as a part of Node.js.
To check, run
npm -v
Once you have Node.js setup, the next step is to install TypeScript.
npm install -g typescript
tsc -v
Install Angular CLI:
npm install -g @angular/cli
Once it’s installed you’ll be able to run it from the command line using the ng
ng help
ng new angular-hello-world
ng serve/ng serve --port 9001
ng will look at the file angular.json to find the entry point to our app.
angular.json specifies a "main" file, which in this case is main.ts
main.ts is the entry-point for our app and it bootstraps our application
We use the AppModule to bootstrap the app. AppModule is specified in src/app/app.module.ts
AppModule specifies which component to use as the top-level component. In this case it is AppComponent
ng generate component hello-world
Using backticks `` for multiline strings makes it easy to put templates inside your code files.
<li *ngFor="let name of names">Hello {{ name }}</li>
@Input() name: string | undefined;
<li *ngFor="let individualUserName of names">
<app-user-item [name]="individualUserName"></app-user-item>
ng new angular-reddit
Notice that in the input tags we used the # (hash) to tell Angular to assign those tags
to a local variable. By adding the #newtitle and #newlink to the appropriate <input/> elements, we can pass
them as variables into the addArticle() function on the button!
console.log(`Adding article title: ${title.value} and link: ${link.value}`);
@HostBinding('attr.class') cssClass = 'row';
JavaScript, by default, propagates the click event to all the parent components.
Because the click event is propagated to parents, our browser is trying to follow the
empty link, which tells the browser to reload.
To fix that, we need to make the click event handler to return false
The votes parameter is optional (denoted by
the ? at the end of the name) and defaults to zero.
constructor(title: string,link: string, votes?: number){
this.title = title;
this.link = link;
this.votes = votes || 0;
ng build --prod -> deprecated and removed
ng build --configuration production
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
- 1. 反正也主要靠内循环了,不怕制裁。
- 2 可以和俄罗斯抱团。
- 3. 有利于树立威信、巩固政权。
- 4. 美军刚走,敌人紧张了几天,最松懈的时候。
- 要是不准备采取有效行动,应该不会舆论宣传做这么足,而且放任各平台讨论。很难有比这更好的机会了。股市关注航天发展、长城军工,回调可以买入。
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
1. How to log all the requests and responses for all restful APIs?
2. How to log all the requests and responses for the SOAP web services?
3. How to disable the log in PRD?
Spring cloud config
context-path for JBoss/Spring boot
what's the advantage/disadvantage of Spring boot?
what's CORS, how would you in Spring boot?
Exception Spring boot
Spring Session + Redis 来实现 session 共享 micro services
RestTemplate/Apache http client/webclient (spring 5)
How and why you can get a POJO object instead of a String?
Say you developed a new endpoint, how do you test it? If there's unexpected issue, how would you debug/fix?
Friday, June 10, 2022
Send gmail using OAuth2 - Java
Login to https://console.cloud.google.com/ to create the project and the client_id, oauth consent screen...
Run the oauth2.py to get the refresh token.
I updated the file to support python 3.
From Java,
call the below to exchange back the access token:
public static String getNewToken(String refreshToken, String clientId, String clientSecret) throws IOException {
List<String> scopes = new ArrayList<>();
TokenResponse tokenResponse = new GoogleRefreshTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(),
refreshToken, clientId, clientSecret).setScopes(scopes).setGrantType("refresh_token").execute();
return tokenResponse.getAccessToken();
4. With the access token, call the below to send email:
SMTPTransport transport = new SMTPTransport(session, null);
transport.connect(SMTP_SERVER_HOST, FROM_USER_EMAIL, null);
"AUTH XOAUTH2 " + new String(BASE64EncoderStream.encode(
String.format("user=%s\1auth=Bearer %s\1\1", FROM_USER_EMAIL, newAccessToken).getBytes())),
transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Netflix Human pulse Climbing
When I'm at the top, I feel a sense of relief for sure, a sense of complishment.
Climbing is a form of therapy for me because I can just escape.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
mac auto login and lock
auto lock mac after auto login
cat autolock.sh
/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/User.menu/Contents/Resources/CGSession -suspend
exit 0
For BigSur and monterey, CGSession is not available any more.
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to key code 12 using {control down, command down}'
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Use MKVToolNix to edit audio track
My son loves watching Naruto Shippuden. However, Netflix only has the first 10 seasons, while Hulu only accepts US IP (and payment). The resouce on the website are mostly Japanese audio or Chinese audio (with Chinese subtitle). The target is to get the English audio (with or without English subtitle).
1. Download and MKVToolNix install https://mkvtoolnix.download/downloads.html#macosx
2. Download Naruto Shippuden mp4 (with English audio) from
3. Extract mka audio file from the mp4 (using MKVToolNix)
4. Add the English Audio into the Japanese MKV (see the screenshot)
MKVToolNix conversion is pretty fast, however, it's hard to batch download Naruto Shippuden mp4 as it has some protection. The online play is annoying as it has inappropriate ads, also the video quality is not as good as the MKV (89M vs 200M)
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Windows 11 time issue
I installed Windows 11 VM from Parallel Desktop, everything is OK but sometimes the time is not accurate, and it causes the scheduled tasks can't run at the specified time. My Mac is on Toronto timezone while the VM has to be on Beijing Timezone.
Parallel Desktop technically support suggests to disable time sync from PD (Time: Do not sync), but I still see the issue.
The workaround:
Update HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config
MinPollInterval and MinPollInterval.
I updated both to 8, (2 power of 8 = 256 seconds), and run "w32tm /config /update" to update.
(Windows Time service needs to auto start)
Now I can see the time is sync at 12:14:07,12:18:23,12:22:39...
NtpClient SpecialPollInterval setting doesn't work for me, maybe need some other flag settings to make it work.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
JBoss EAP7.3 udemy note
1. The linux command
netstat -an|more: list the active internet connections
nslookup ip/dn: convert ip to dn or dn to ip
2. JBoss server log:
Compile and Run C++ program on mac (m1)
Compile and Run C++ program on mac (m1):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
return 0;
g++ -o hello hello.cpp
Thursday, February 17, 2022
1. Find the common number between different int array.
2. Find the same String between different String array. How about if the arrays are super fast, say the duplicate name between US and Canada? two big files
3. Query a LOL player's statistics
4. Display photos
Display photos with username/password
Display photos with username/password (no hack/partly)
+-*/ ++ --
== != > < >= <=
&& ||
case c1:
For loop
calculate what day after 100 days
read file/write file
Monday, February 7, 2022
Enterprise OAuth2 and Open ID Connect note (Udemy)
Enterprise OAuth2 and Open ID Connect
1. Federated user
a single user identity used by all the applications
2. SAML flow
3. What is OAuth2
8. Grant type - Client credentials
10. OpenID