Sunday, January 17, 2021

Windows 10 ARM for MAC M1


1. Download Windows 10 on ARM


2. Download Parallels Desktop 16 for M1 Mac Technical Preview


3. Install PD and Windows 10

It only takes 9 minutes to install Windows 10 ARM

4. After restart, no internet, need to reinstall Prallels Tool

Verified it's very smooth to plan Leage of legends (FPS 120, Ping 22ms)

Able to use 华泰证券

It's not stable yet, but quite impressive.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Angular note

 Udemy Angular - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)

1. ng new my-first-app


   cd my-first-app

   ng serve


2. ng new hello-cli

ng g c product --inline-style --inline-template --skipTests

will generate a single file, product.component.ts, with inlined styles and template and no test in the src/app/product directory,               

and add ProductComponent to the declarations property of @NgModule.

3. ng new ngAuction --prefix nga --routing

npm i bootstrap jquery popper.js --save-prod

ng serve -o

ng g c home

ng g c carousel

ng g c footer

ng g c navbar 

ng g c product-item 

ng g c product-detail 

ng g c search

ng g c stars

ng g s shared/product

    template: `

      <a [routerLink]="['/']">Home</a>                         

       <a [routerLink]="['/product']">Product Details</a>      




ng new angular-reddit  

Friday, January 8, 2021


 my soul is chaff when it's dampered by the blue light