Tuesday, February 26, 2019

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Got the error "ORA-01031: insufficient privileges" when running "sqlplus / as sysdba" from Windows.
Run "sqlplus sys/password as sysdba" instead

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Cloud VM comparison

I tried Amazon EC2, google compute engine, Windows Azure, Oracle Cloud, Alicloud

The best is Amazon EC2, it has excellent performance with even a free tier, google compute engine is not that smooth. However, Amazon EC2 keeps crashing when I tried to import VM into Virtualbox or tried to install Windows from Virtualbox. And there's some hyper-v prompt for VMWare.

Google compute engine is able to support Virtualbox, however, the performance is not good. Say in my iMac (2.7G i5, 16G memory, SSD) and my Windows (2011 Asus N53 i7, 16G memory, SSD), the windows XP start time is around 7 seconds. In google Virtualbox, it takes 1mins and 40 seconds. And the function for huatai "detecting site speed" is not available. BTW, need remove intelppm.sys or update the registry value to run Virtualbox VM on google compute engine. Google compute engine provides $300 credit.

I don't really use Windows Azure, the design and interface looks not friendly.

For Oracle Cloud, it provides huge disk (at least 256G), and the performance is not bad. And it supports Virtualbox as expected. However, the VM performance within Virtualbox is even worse than google compute engine. Oracle Cloud is not fast or friendly in the management GUI as Amazon or Google, say, you need manually perform some actions to allow remote desktop access. The region can only be north america or euro.

Alicloud sucks, it asked me to have some money firstly in my account, and it deducts my money directly even after I shutdown the VM. It's free trial doesn't support Windows host.

Will try tscon on Amazon EC2, maytry Windows Azure


AutoIt autoit winwaitactive remote desktop doesn't work well.


Cloud service providers support for nested virtualization

Cloud providerNested virtualizationLevel of support
for Linux VMs
Free trial periodFree trial limits
Amazon EC2NoN/A1 year8,760 CPU-hours
Oracle CloudYesFull support30 days$300 worth of services.
8 vCPU
Google Compute EngineYesIn Beta1 year$300 worth of services.
8 vCPU
Microsoft Azure IaaSYesUnofficial,
but it works
30 days$250 worth of services.
4 vCPU

Friday, February 15, 2019

JMS Specification note

1. A connection’s delivery of incoming messages can be temporarily stopped
using its stop() method. It can be restarted using its start() method. When the
connection is stopped, delivery to all the connection’s MessageConsumers is
inhibited: synchronous receives block, and messages are not delivered to
If MessageListeners are running when stop is invoked, stop must wait until all
of them have returned before it may return. While these MessageListeners are
completing, they must have the full services of the connection available to
When connection close is invoked it should not return until message
processing has been shut down in an orderly fashion. This means that all
message listeners that may have been running have returned, and that all
pending receives have returned.
If a connection is closed, there is no need to close its constituent objects. The
connection close is sufficient to signal the JMS provider that all resources for
the connection should be released.
Closing a connection does NOT force an
acknowledgement of client-acknowledged sessions.
If a session is transacted, message acknowledgment is handled automatically
by commit, and recovery is handled automatically by rollback.
If a session is not transacted, there are three acknowledgment options, and
recovery is handled manually:
JMS providers must never produce duplicate messages. This means that a
client that produces a message can rely on its JMS provider to insure that
consumers of the message will receive it only once. No client error can cause a
provider to duplicate a message.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Find the latest modified file

Find the latest modified file:

/var/splunked $ find . -name "*MDB.log" -printf '%T@ %p\n' | sort -n | tail -1 | cut -f2- -d" "|xargs ls -ltr