Monday, June 29, 2015

a weird issue detecting

a weird issue detecting:
Some db change and Java change is applied for the currency proxy. It works well on dit but no proxy no sit. I checked everything on SIT and it looks
good. Then I compared everything (DB tables/views/packages, Java, shell script, configuration, crontab) and they look good.
Finally, I noticed that there are minor difference the time stamp between the file log and the database time stamp.
Finally, the issue is proved that

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No need to have the admin priviledge to install MinGW

No need to have the admin priviledge to install MinGW
1. Just download the latest mingw-get-setup.exe
2. Double click and a popup GUI will show up
3. Select base MinGW and g++ compiler (for me)
4. Add C:\MinGW\bin to the user's path (no admin on Win7)
5. create a helloworld.cpp on c:\MinGW\sources:
#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World!";
6. cd C:\MinGW\sources
   g++ helloworld.cpp -o helloworld.exe
7. Download Eclipse CDT and enjoy the C/C++ development
The best part is that you can put everthing into C:\MinGW, it's very clean.