Monday, February 24, 2025

Questions to check AI


Asked several questions for ChatGPT o1, grok3 and deepseek, grok3 is the best.

1. it's said Eckhart Tolle once got cancer, can you tell me more details?

2. 今天星期几?

3. 我的生日是中国农历的1974年7月xx日,对应的阳历是哪天?

4. 慕容复和王语嫣为什么是表兄妹?

From grok3:

Eckhart Tolle has indeed spoken publicly about experiencing a health challenge that many believe was cancer, though he hasn’t always explicitly labeled it as such in every instance. Based on what he’s shared, particularly in talks and podcasts around 2022, he mentioned having symptoms for about two years—issues with his bowels that he initially dismissed as normal, like diarrhea—before seeking medical attention. It seems it took some convincing for him to see a doctor, possibly reflecting his tendency to downplay physical concerns in favor of his spiritual perspective. He underwent surgery, and in a video from December 6, 2022, he described being “fine” afterward, suggesting the condition hadn’t spread and was resolved with that single operation. Some listeners have speculated it might have been prostate cancer, given its high curability rate and his recovery, but he hasn’t confirmed the exact type.

What’s striking is how he frames this experience. At a retreat in Colorado in May 2022, he reportedly opened up about this illness, emphasizing not the disease itself but how it can serve as a doorway to awakening. He’s said in various talks that illness, consciously faced, can strip away ego and bring you into the present moment—pretty consistent with his teachings in The Power of Now. He doesn’t dwell on the medical nitty-gritty, like stages or treatments beyond surgery, and keeps the focus on the inner shift it prompted. There’s no definitive public record of recurrence or further issues, and in more recent appearances, like podcasts from 2023, he’s indicated he’s free of it.

Details are patchy because Tolle’s private about his personal life—he doesn’t even share his exact diagnosis in most cases. Fans on platforms like Reddit have pieced together bits from his talks, but there’s no official “Eckhart Tolle Cancer Timeline.” What’s clear is he sees it as a past chapter, one he uses to illustrate how suffering can deepen awareness, not as a lingering burden. If you’re after more specifics, like dates or medical terms, that’s about where the trail runs cold—he’s more about the lesson than the lab report.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

DeepSeek 人生意义

 悉尼大学的学者Teodor Mitew问DeepSeek“最想问人类什么问题?”,DeepSeek回答:如果意识是进化的偶然产物,而宇宙本身并不具有意义,那么为什么人类明知关于目的的幻觉是自己创造的,却仍然如此执着?”


Friday, February 7, 2025

Core Java I note



use """ for string text block 

public abstract sealed class JSONValue permits JSONArray, JSONNumber,JSONString{...}

case Executive exec -> "An executive with a title of " + exec.getTitle()

public interface Predicate<T> { boolean test(T t);...}


Supplier<Integer> die = ()->(int)(Math.random()*6)+1;

int outcome = die.get();

LocalDate hireDay = Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(day,()->LocalDate.of(1970,1,1));

Method References:

var timer = new Timer(1000,event->System.out.println(event));

it would be nicer to pass the println method: var timer = new Timer(1000,System.out::println);

Runnable task = System.out::println;


object::instanceMethod like System.out::println the object is System,.out 

Class::instanceMethod String::compareToIgnoreCase is the same as (x,y)->x.compareToIgnoreCase(y)

Class::staticMethod Math::pow is equivalent (x,y)->Math.pow(x,y)

A lamda expression can only be rewritten as a method reference if the body of the lamda expression calls a single method and doesn't

do anything else.

list.removeIf(Objects::isNull); a bit easier to read than list.removeIf(e->e==null);

Constructor References

are just like method references, except that the name of the method is new.

ArrayList<String> names = ...;

Stream<Person> stream =;

List<Person> people = stream.toList();

service loaders 


public static ServiceLoader<Cipher> cipherLoader = ServiceLoader.load(Cipher.class);


boolean isEnter(Path dataPath, String dateStr);

boolean isExit(String ric, String dateStr);

The Java Language Specification calls any exception that derives from the class Error or the class RuntimeException

an unchecked Exception. All other exceptions are called checked exceptions.

The compiler checks that you provide exception handlers for all checked exceptions.

RuntimeException: Null pointer access, , an out-of bound array access, a bad cast

checked exception: trying to open a file that doesn't exist.

The rule "If it is a RuntimeException, it was your fault" works pretty well.

System.getLogger("com.mycompany.myapp").log(INFO,"Opening file " + filename);

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Prime number test

 import java.util.*;

public class Sieve {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 2000000;
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(n+1);
        int i;
                int k = i*i;
        long end = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println(bitSet.cardinality()+" primes");
        System.out.println( (end-start)/1000000 + " milliseconds");

148933 primes 25 milliseconds

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

视力 note

 Question: My prescription is OD -6.00 and OS -5.75. ..

The -5.50/-5.25 lenses you mention are perfect “under-corrected” lenses for true distance activities like TV, watching a lecture, etc. But for desk work, you should try going without lenses entirely. If that is too uncomfortable , try lenses that are about 2 diopter less than your current prescription, e.g. -4/-3.75, and sit 20″ away from the screen or book.

For breaks from print pushing, just focus on whatever you can focus on in the room, at the “edge of focus”. You can even do this while walking around by concentrating on the objects that are just at your edge of focus as you walk around. Make it something of a game and have fun with it!

You can buy new lenses 0.5 diopters lower at time. To save money, get them online from You can also by continuously adjustable lenses from Not the most fashionable glasses, but very practical and that will save you some money!


Not suprising, because D1 and D2 are really not that different – barely distinguishable. It’s like the difference between touching your finger to a wall and holding it one millimeter away from that wall. Or between being able to lift a heavy weight at the limit of your ability and not being able to lift it at all.

D1 is perfect focus, D2 is the slightest indication of blur, the onset of blur. Because the eye is dynamic, changing constantly, you will shift between D1 and D2 constantly even sitting at the same distance from your reading material. Therefore, the best practice is to keep “testing” yourself by moving back and forth every few minutes to re-establish that you are at the right distance.

#9 18 May 2015 21:09

I started with +2D. But the key is to chose whichever plus lenses allow you to read at the edge of focus while sitting at your computer. Go through the video and slides again — it’s all there.



  1. 早晚喝牛奶,最好中间也喝

  2. 你去单杠挂30秒,挂10组吧,一组30秒,挂20秒手都坚持不住了,还戴手套了,不知道乔丹那一小时怎么坚持下来的。


  1. 睡前做拉伸,早上起来伸懒腰

  2. 篮球和游泳,但别过量


BackTo20/20 Adult Program note


  1. Pactiveresbyopia

Note:  If you have presbyopia, drop me a line in the forum!  We may have to make various small adjustments as far as your individual differential correction and close-up habits are concerned.  Let me know your current (if any) presbyopia correction and close-up habits in a quick forum post.

  1. Forum

This is separate from the community forum – where you’ll find fellow participants (both paid and DIY), though there not direct support from me.

For direct support from me, always use the support link on top of the page here.

  1. Measuring

when we measure our cms, snellen chart and outside landmark. Do we always measure it with one eye closed?

–> both eyes together is best

  1. My status

Hi Jake,

I just started my journy to 20/20. I'm 46 and have -0.75D presbyopia so as the "Welcome To The Rabbit Hole" recommends, I need your professional guide on the small adjustments.

My measure distance with naked eyes: 25cm

My differential glasses: -4.25D/-4.75D, distance is 70cm, snellen 20/50

My normalized glasses: -5.00D/-5.50D, distance is 90cm, snellen 20/25

Thank you,

  1. When you get up do not put on your glasses or contacts. 

Tomorrow morning spend the first 20 minutes without glasses. Your glasses have made your eyes lazy. This will not do anything whatsoever to improve your vision so there is no need to spend more time without glasses. 

This is merely an exercise to create an active context.

Take the time to feel for a ‘pressure’ on the back of your eyes

After 20 minutes, put on the glasses or contacts.

When we start the day with those glasses off, we are gradually letting the brain know there is a problem.  We don’t just start going around without glasses because we don’t want to send the system into panic mode.  We just nudge it with 20 minutes in the morning.

Not wearing your glasses for distance focus and living with blur offers no benefits.

Truly, early myopia (-1.00 to -1.75 diopters) is just a stress symptom.

Can you see your computer screen well without glasses?

If you have a -4.00 correction, not wearing glasses for computer work is not an option. You will need a reduced correction, which we’ll talk about soon.

If your correction is less than -2.00, you can probably see your screen well enough.  In that case, start a habit of never wearing your glasses for close-up.

Find a countdown timer, either an egg timer or a program on your smartphone.  Set it to 20 minutes.  ANY time you are reading or working at the computer, start the countdown.  Once it completes, STOP looking at the screen or page.

Take five minutes, get up, walk around and actively scan for something at a distance.  Moving objects ideally; tree branches or birds, it doesn’t matter.

This may sound intrusive but it’s just something to do for the first two weeks, as much as possible, to push the envelope of reasonable use of your eyes. 

In two weeks you can go to 45 minute breaks, and in two weeks more up to 1.5 hours.  But you do want the breaks, to start building that awareness of strain.

  1. Distance

Start close enough that the text is perfectly clear and slowly move back until there is the tiniest bit of blur. You want to stop just where the text stops being totally sharp.  Any change in sharpness, that’s your distance.

That -4.50 diopters is just another way of saying, “22 centimeters till blur”.  

If you start to see the tiniest bit of blur on the page at 22 centimters then you need exactly a -4.50 diopter correction to see an eye chart clearly, past the 20/20 line.

The next simplest option is to take your centimeter, convert into diopters and subtract 1.50 diopters.

  1. Glasses

If you did and you have all the numbers and no questions, order yourself a differential correction. is a good site

Keep it inexpensive, the first differential correction is rarely used more than 4-6 weeks.  Do make sure to get AR coating

  1. Active focus

That ciliary muscle Involuntary muscle control.  Like your lungs and your heart.

However … guru Jake says, you can gain (somewhat) conscious control over this muscle.

Once you have your differential correction, NEVER again wear your full minus for close-up.  Never, ever. 

With your differential correction, you can see clearly to 60cm.  At 65 cm, there’s a bit of blur.  At 70cm, there’s a lot of blur.

So what you want to do now, is look at that range, 60-65cm.

Stare at the slightly blurred text.  Now blink at it, “willing” the blur to clear up.  Know that you can, and realize that it’s a big leap to connect to the focusing muscle.

It might take an hour, a day, a week.  A month.

Onc you got it once, the second time will be much sooner and easier.  And the next one even easier.

The more time you spend close to your maximum distance, the less eye strain you get. 


1 year ago

  1. Relax yourself and your eyes. Close them, then blink sofly with longer blinks

  2. Breath deeply and clear your mind. Almost reaching a meditative state

  3. Open your eyes and aim for a specific letter that's blurry but that you can recognize. This is called central fixation. Don't aim for the entire word

  4. Repeat 1 and 2 until the letter then entire word clears up. Don't force it, relax your eyes and let the word come to you. Remember you are training your mind and eyes to connect.

  5. If you are having a hard time. Take a step forward and try again. Then take a step back. Also it's easier to start in daylight with street signs

  1. Outdoor

Make it two half our segments, if need be.  If you can make it a half hour in the morning, and 20 minutes after 2 hours at the computer, and a half hour in the evening .. that much better.  If it all adds up to two hours a day, really that would be excellent.

The Bates crowd thinks that strange ideas like “palming” (sticking your hands in front of your eyes), or blinking or rolling your eyes will give you better distance vision.  Other think that wearing plus lenses while reading will give you better distance vision (as if).  And others yet believe that pills will give you better distance vision.

But no.  Distance vision will give you better distance vision.

Glasses can severely limit your peripheral vision.

Especially the current trend for thick plastic frames, combined with myopia over two diopters, create an almost complete barrier to your peripheral vision.  You have a tangible “border” in front of your eyes, and on top of it, everything beyond the border is very blurred.

For low myopes, spending time without glasses, and in your mind “zooming out” to see the whole of your field of vision is all you need.  Doing this while outdoors, for 15-20 minutes a day is lots of good stimulus for your eyes.

And if your myopia is higher, getting an inexpensive contact lens pack to use when you are outside to pull focus, will give you the same benefits.

Spend 10 to 15 minutes being in your peripheral vision.  Even if you are in an office, in front of a computer, defocus from time to time, and become simply aware of how much more information is entering your brain, than you consciously perceive.

  1. Things to Know

20 minute mornings without glasses 

frequent close-up breaks 

eye chart on order or printed 

a log for your centimeters

Don’t wear your full correction glasses for close-up use.

Stay at the far end of your focal distance while up-close (meaning, close to blur)

“Push” yourself into a bit of blur, blink, try to find active focus, the experience of a bit of blur clearing up

  1. Food

Really it is only one ingredient (for now): Carrot juice.

Alternately, organic carrots are our recommendation.

We do not recommend sugar in your diet in general, as such it is best to not exceed the recommended juice quota.

Do not peel organic carrots.  The outer layers are very nutrient dense.

We recommend having the drink within an hour of having had a source of omega-3 fatty acids. 

Walmart organic carrot: 

  1. Actions

While outside, take a moment to experience the difference between wearing glasses and not wearing them.

Action Items

  1. Set yourself a reminder to push focus while working.  If you just get 5 minutes at a time, you’re doing great!

It’s simply a matter of taking a few minutes while you work, read, or type to stay in a bit of blur and blink (active focus) to clear it up.  10-12 times a day is more than enough, and will become barely noticeably as it becomes habit.  This will help build the habit of staying at the far end of your close-up focal plane, and get some stimulus.

  1. Increase awareness of how you feel when you take off your glasses.  Be aware when you put on your glasses.  Awareness of blur and focus, and how you feel about both, is important.

  1. From Andrew’s video

Normalized: slightly undercorrected distance glasses usually 0.25 below full strength

Full strength: 20/20, what a decent non-overprescribing optician gives you

Differentials: About 1-2 diopters below full strength used exclusively for close-up work

  1. Hat Glasses

In particular, sunglass treats.  Generally speaking, I advocate against sunglasses. We want lots of (shaded) U.V. exposure. A hat and no glass obstruction in front of your eyes is ideal. 

  1. Progress

I can almost guarantee you a 0.75 to 1 diopter improvement a year, every year.

Then again, after the next 45 minutes, during your break, be aware of how your eyes feel.

Check your distance vision.  Casually check your centimeter.  Is it the same?  Different?  It’s perfectly fine if it’s all the same.  We aren’t looking for change, we’re just looking for awareness.  Strain awareness.  Maybe the first three 45 minute intervals are fine.  Maybe it’s after the 5th one, that you start to notice a difference.

  1. Focal change

From time to time, take off your differential correction (reading glasses). Take 5-10 minutes, adjusting your distance from the page or screen as necessary, to be able to see just clearly enough to continue reading or working. Move back a little bit, play with the blur distance while you are engaged in your activity. This is no real substitute for a proper break, but it can help prevent the ciliary lock in and resulting accommodation spasm that happens otherwise. Also a good exercise even if you are taking proper breaks, adding another dimension of focal plane change and encouraging movement while you are at this close up range.

Note: If you are very high myopia, this trick may not work for you.  You might get some +1 reading glasses though, to put over your differential for just 5-10 minutes.  Yes it’s a bit weird, but reading glasses are cheap and you might find that you enjoy the focal plane change.

  1. Asdfa

  2. asdf